Happy Holidays! Explore Episodes You've Missed

Happy Holidays! Explore Episodes You've Missed

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

In case you missed it, check out some of our selected episodes from season 1.

Episode 21 with Dan Sharkey. You'll know Dan, he's well-known in supply chain circles and he's got his finger on the pulse of today's issues. And he reminds us to and I quote, "contract deliberately"

Episode 15 with Katie Pullin, also in the legal profession in the auto supply chain, she talks about the force majeure pandemic, are you abusing the term?

Episode 11 with Mike and Rocky, self-confessed quality nerds and data geeks, you'll learn all about automating the quality management system and why the word silo is a four-letter word in their vocabulary

Episode 12 meet the shop floor leaders making it happen at Detroit Manufacturing Systems and how they cultivated and uplifted a strong team that's designed for execution

Episodes 3 & 5 an interview with a well-known supply chain veteran Bill Hurles, Bill is the former executive director of global supply chain for General Motors

Episode 4 meet Julie Dedene as she reminds us not to forget the grease. She's in the grease business. Learn about the importance of a secondary source

Episode 6 with Paul Eichenberg. Paul talks about the unique set of auto supply chain obstacles that the ICE and EV organizations face and the type of auto supply chain leader that the EV industry demands

Episodes 16 & 17 with Gary Vasliash, you'll know Gary, he's a veteran auto writer in the space. And you'll hear his unique views on the challenges ahead

Episodes 9 & 19 Are you ready to deliver on the promise of delivery? familiar with MMOG/LE, and IATF 6949? listen to Terry and Cathy and download their framework for success. They've done the work for you.

At the heart of The Prophets’ vision are “The 24 Essential Supply Chain Processes.” What are they? Find out, and see the future yourself. Click here


Delivering on the Promise of Delivery: Automotive Sustainability and Profitability

Download here

White Paper for Leveraging Risk Management in Automotive

Download here

Operational Restart Readiness

Download here

The 24 Essential Supply Chain

Download here


Keep in touch with Auto Supply Chain Prophet's co-hosts Terry Onica and Jan Griffiths on LinkedIn.


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